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"Beauty wants to meet many people even if they don`t come out the door. Rather than trying to reveal your name on your own, you had better iron out the inner truth."- Let's stay. Mukja is a Chinese thinker who founded the original theory of humility. Affection means not discriminating against a person, but equally loving. The art of winning without fighting is full of famous words about the spirit of Mukja’s love for humanity. 1. Cover the time and place. A wise man does not waste his ability. A smart-assed man makes a loophole at any time by showing his superficial tric.. 2020. 2. 5.
"Even with a good hit, we win the baseball game." "Even with a good hit, we win the baseball game." - Tom O'Brien. This is a really crazy book. Usually, most books can be summarized. There's not much really important part of the book. However, the whole book is filled with information that cannot be missed, so it is too bad to introduce it without one. Dr. Tom O'Brien’s best brain health book that can change our lives as soon as we read it. 1. .. 2020. 2. 5.
Keep your words concise. "Simple is the power to fascinate people. The attraction you can find in the world of children and animals is also in its simplicity." - Blaise Pascal. I am correcting my friend because he wants to speak well. There is only one thing I asked for from my friend. Only the conclusion is to be concise. I can talk well just by doing this. I guess it's so hard to do this. In fact, it is not easy to ex.. 2020. 2. 5.
Three characteristics of friendless person "Even if I had everything, no one would want to live without a friend." - Aristotle. There is a reason why there is no bee in flowers. It doesn't smell good or it doesn't taste like pollen. There is a reason why people don't get mixed up. If interpersonal relations are not good, we should check whether they are following the basics. Something doesn't work well because it doesn't do the obvious, .. 2020. 2. 5.
Taking a Break Is Not a Waste of Time If you can afford it, I recommend you take a few years off. The biggest change in my life these days is being a Timekeeper at TimeFood. He has been on a long vacation for the first time since last year when he was in his 30s after quitting his job at the company. Living a hectic life and seeing the sunset on the park bench every day changes not only your lifestyle but your outlook on life itself.. 2020. 2. 5.
What's Trend ? Multi Persona (Me and Myself). - Two-sidedness through SNS (work vs. me after work / SNS multiple accounts, back accounts). - Two-sided consumption behavior (ultra-low vs. premium), taste identity (one-day class, running cream). Gendre-free trends (unisex, talcoset), the spread of digital paranoia (vlog). Lastfit Economies - 1 household/millennial/Generation Z → Near-range economy optimizes cust.. 2020. 2. 5.
SALES EFFECT! - Marketing is Fun For online shopping malls, the difference in sales is significant depending on how the same amount is expressed amount. For example, selling a 1,000 won product for 700 won is 30 percent off, but the 300 won is so small that consumers do not feel the discount well. At times like this, it is advantageous to just mark the discount rate. Selling a million won note for 900,000 won only has a 10 perc.. 2020. 2. 5.
2020년 쥐의 해 트렌드 키워드 멀티 페르소나(Me and Myself). - SNS를 통한 양면성 (직장 vs 퇴근 후의 나 / SNS 다계정, 뒷계정). - 양면적 소비 행태(초저가vs프리미엄), 취향 정체성(원데이 클레스, 러닝크루). 젠더프리 트렌드(유니섹스, 탈코르셋), 디지털 허언증의 확산(브이로그). 라스트핏 이코노미(Immediate Satisfaction). - 1인가구/밀레니얼/Z세대 → 고객의 마지막 순간 최적화하는 근거리 경제. - 쇼핑 번거로움 해소 편리한 배송(새벽배송 / 헬로네이처 비건 / 정기구독). 목표 지점까지 접근성(당근마켓 / 킥보드) / 구매 경험(언박싱, 포장 정교화). 페어 플레이어(Goodness and Fairness) 입니다. - 기능 중심 수평적 관계 / 계약과 매뉴얼 / 공정 평가 시스.. 2020. 2. 5.